Homeopathy offers excellent remedies for the treatment of accidents and injuries which occur in everyday life. In acute traumatic situations the remedies may need to be repeated often until the crisis has resolved. The healing process is accelerated markedly by the prompt use of the indicated remedy regardless of whether the injury requires medical attention or not. In more serious injuries it is wise to continue the remedies for several days after the symptoms have reduced to ensure complete healing. All remedies below should be used in 30c potency unless otherwise indicated. If the suggestions below fail to improve symptoms, contact Fergus or a Registered Homeopath or other qualified healthcare provider as there may be underlying factors that may need to be addressed before you see progress.
Calendula cream applied topically promotes healthy granulation of tissue and rapid healing. Calendula - will also help promote granulation and minimize infection. Hypericum - reduces pain and address nerve damage, use often for sharp shooting pain. Staphysagria - deep cuts and incised wounds. Hepar sulph - acts as an antiseptic for local infection.
Apis Mel - bee or wasp stings, red, rosy, shiny and swelling. Ledum - stings are white or purple, puffy and cold. Hypericum - shooting pains. Bites on fingers or toes.
Arnica regularly, as a general treatment. Rhus Tox and Bryonia - alternate 2 hourly to relieve pain. Ruta Grav - severe bruising. Hypericum - nerve damage. Symphytum - twice daily, to speed healing and for prickly pains on healing. Eupatorium - aching, throbbing pain in the bones. Ruta Grav and Rhus Tox - 4 hourly for non-union despite good management.
The first remedy to take is Arnica, it will reduce swelling and ease the pain. The sooner after the injury the Arnica is taken, the better and more complete the results. Bellis Perennis - bruises to the breast. Hamamelis - bruises of varicose veins. Hypericum - parts rich in nerves eg. Fingers and toes. Ruta Grav - bruises of bones and tendons. Ledum - after Arnica when pain eases but bruising remains.
Immerse the part in warm water rather than cold water. This will minimise blister formation thus speeding up the healing process. Cantharis - simple burns, scalds, sunburn. Aconite - where there is acute pain and shock. Also apply Combudoron cream externally. Rescue Remedy internally and/or externally.
Hypericum has a selective action on injured nerve fibres and is complimented with Arnica. Repeat the Hypericum often for pain. Also use Rescue Remedy.
Aconite - first remedy for injuries, it is often called “the Arnica of the eye”. Arnica - inflammation from injuries, black eye. Silica - inflammation persists after removal of foreign body. Symphytum and Hypericum as necessary for pain. Ledum - after Arnica when pain eases but bruising remains. Euphrasia - when something goes into the eye and is accompanied by lots of tears, irritation and intense blinking.
Rescue Remedy - needs repeating often after trauma or shock until the patient becomes calm. Often works better if you put 7 drops into a glass or bottle of mineral water and sip every 5 minutes. Aconite - after fright, with agitation, restlessness and fear of death. Arnica - after mental strain, shock, physical trauma. Ignatia - hysteria, loss of control, insomnia after grief or disappointed love. Seek help if these remedies do not alleviate the problem quickly.
Arnica - is the first remedy to think of. It promotes rapid resolution of injury. Bellis Perennis - muscle injury, swelling with clotted blood with sprains. Ledum - to dissolve blood collected at sprain sites. Rhus Tox strained, sprained stiff muscles, with pain on initial movement, better from continuous movement. Ruta Grav - tennis elbow, strains to ligaments and tendons and injuries to the bone covering (periosteum). Mag Phos - cramps in calves and soles. Silica - small bone chips. Bryonia - fractured ribs.
You can get most of the above remedies in your local health shop. If you find it difficult to get the remedy that fits your situation you can contact Fergus.
You can also purchase remedy kits which have up to 42 remedies in a handy box (5 x 6.5 inches), these can be carried with you wherever you go. These kits also contain a little booklet outlining where and how to use the remedies. Also, if you have to contact a homeopath with an acute problem and a remedy is suggested, you will have it on hand instead of having to go out and purchase it, which may not always be convenient or possible. A Remedy kit costs €42, which works out at €1 per remedy, this is very good value.
For further details on these Remedy kits contact Fergus
The Complete Book of Homeopathy
By Miranda Castro